Camera-ready Instructions
Please read and carefully follow the instructions in the steps below for formatting the accepted papers:
1. Latex and Word Templates for camera-ready papers can be found at
2. The (hard) camera-ready deadline is 8th January (firm deadline).
3. Camera-ready papers should NOT have page numbers. All numbering will be done by the publisher. All submissions must be formatted to US Letter page size.
4. The page limits are strict and final (8 pages).
5. Camera-ready papers must be in PDF format and have passed through the IEEE PDF eXpress to ensure compliance to the IEEE Xplore format. Please go to the IEEE PDF eXpress site at and open an account by following the link “New Users – Click Here”. You will need the Conference ID which is “ICDEW”. Then submit your paper(s), to get feedback about their compliance with IEEE Xplore. If not compliant, address the comments on the feedback, and retry until you have produced compliant documents.
6. The IEEE copyright form should be submitted electronically in the CMT system. There is a link “Submit IEEE Copyright Form” in the Camera-Ready column in the CMT system. Please follow the step-by-step instructions there and submit your copyright form electronically. This will take you to the IEEE eCopyright submission site. Once you have submitted the form electronically there, please remember to download the pdf generated by the IEEE office as a receipt for your submission and click Return to return to the CMT website. Finally, please upload this pdf receipt to the CMT system using the upload copyright form option in the CMT interface, which completes your submission of the copyright form. This is required for all accepted papers in order for them to be included in the proceedings and the IEEE Xplore website. If you have troubles of submitting the copyright forms using this service, please do not hesitate to contact the workshop chairs.
7. Report the correct order of authors and authors’ affiliations in both the CMT system and by sending an email to the two workshop co-chairs: salima.benbernou at , diaconu at . The reported order will be used for the program brochure, the workshop web site, etc.
8. At least one author per paper must register.
9. Papers which are not presented by any author at the conference will be removed from the proceedings in IEEE Xplore.
10. PLease send camera-ready paper to salima.benbernou at , diaconu at no later than 8th January.