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Registration is open

Please visit to register for LOPS@ICDE 2014 at least to “Workshops Only”.Take advantage of early bird discount by registering by March 10, 2014.
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Workshop Program posted

We have posted the Workshop Program.    
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Camera Ready Instructions Available

Please visit the Camera-ready Instructions Web page for detailed instructions. Your paper and copyright form is due 8 January 2014.
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Camera Ready Paper and IEEE Copyright Form

The instructions will be posted soon. We apologize for the delay.
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Accepted Papers

A provenance-based approach to manage long term preservation of scientific data. PDS4: A Model-Driven Planetary Science Data Architecture for Long-Term. A Validation Framework for...
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Important dates

Camera-ready papers due: January 5, 2014 Workshop date: March 31, 2014 (Confirmed)
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Deadline extended

Important dates : Paper submission deadline : November 20, 2013 Author notification : December 20, 2013 Camera-ready papers due: January 5, 2014 Workshop date: March 31 or...

Workshop Poster

Find here the Workshop Poster.

Second call for papers

ICDE workshop on long term preservation for big scientific data (LOPS 2014)
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Program Committee Information online.

Click here to see the Program Committee


Scientific data collected with modern sensors or dedicated detectors exceed very often the perimeter of the initial scientific design in different application domains. These data including experiments and simulations are obtained more and more frequently with large material and human efforts.  For instance high energy physics and astrophysics experiments involve multi-annual developments. Hence, the preservation of big data sets produced is of permanent concern and has been addressed in various disciplines at different levels. However, the challenge of digital preservation of scientific data lies in the need to preserve not only the dataset itself but also the ability it has to deliver knowledge to future user community. A real scientific research asset allows future users to reanalyze the data within new contexts. In fact, the data should be preserved long term such that the access and the re-use are made possible and lead to an enhancement of the initial investment. It is therefore of outmost importance to pursue coherent and vigorous approaches to preserve the scientific data at long term.