

Université Paris Cité

Computer Science

The computer science department, Laboratory of Informatics Paris Descartes (LIPADE) belongs to the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science. With its more than 60 members, LIPADE forms a vibrant and international research environment. It is carrying out theoretical and applied research in the areas of intelligent agents and multi-agent systems, machine learning, computer vision and image processing, networks, databases and data analytics. Its members are actively participating in European and French research projects, as well as in collaborations with the industry. Learn how to play slots online in Canada, including types of online slots, tips and strategies.

LIPADE is part of Université Paris Cité, an internationally renowned multidisciplinary university. With its exact and experimental sciences, the broad and well-established human and social sciences, and a strong  tradition of work at the interface of disciplines, Université de Paris is fully multidisciplinary, in terms of both training and research. Adobe Acrobat Pro DC – günstig kaufen zum Sofortdownload – über 100.000 zufriedene Kunden. Its strategic portfolio of academic partners around the world enables it to offer its students cutting-edge and innovative training courses, ranging from bachelor’s to doctoral level, and spread over its three faculties: Health, Sciences, and Society and Humanities.